I went to Howard for 2 years before I transferred to TSU. It was one of the most bittersweet experiences I have ever had. The people were live, it was a lot of fun, a lot to do, always someone special coming, i love the monuments, the excitement and the fast pace...however, the city is dirty filled with rats and a lot of problems, people aren't friendly and they don't speak, a lot of people at HU have an elitest attitude and think that they are better than others, a lot of people talk a good game...we are the mecca, the hilltop, the capstone, but they dont really do anything beside live on the legacy of the past, everything is super political there. That being said...it was a great experience *although it might not sound like it* and I learned a lot about life there. You have to make the best of your situation whereever you are. I'm glad I went there for 2 years, but I'm also glad I got to experience another HBCU for 2 years as well.