Originally Posted by carnation
Well GCers, this is what I was talking about. I'm acquainted enough with the un-sorority's doings that I know what has occurred and that they have cost their national buttloads of money and pain. 33 doesn't know the situation and can only make assumptions.
Same with Tulane. Something (some things?) told ZTA that the situation wasn't going to work out. Maybe it was numbers or scholastics or something we haven't dreamed of. *Zeta is there, we're not, so I wouldn't begin to make assumptions about what happened.*
Which is why you really shouldn't have posted this little tale (that I'm sure all 3 groups really appreciate having all over the internet) in this thread - it's like you're intimating ZTA bowed out for the same reason, because the girls sucked, which is exactly the conception most people in this thread were trying to negate. Kudos.
adpiucf, I completely agree - that doesn't just happen with big multimillion $ houses, it happens at all types of schools. Sometimes the acquisition is positive, sometimes negative. Again, it's just simply a matter of timing and who is in the various roles when.