Originally posted by 33girl
She pretty much said in her first post that she saw NOTHING wrong with sharing secrets of any sort with a spouse because they are "one." If she had said "some people believe married couples should share everything" and let it go at that, I don't think anyone would have gotten offended. But she took it a step further and affirmed that she lives her own life this way as well.
Yes, I did say this, as I am one of those who do believe that married couples CAN (not *should*) share everything without having that be considered as "breaching an oath". But I never said that you have to agree with that or advocate that....just that this is not an entirely unheard of perspective.
I'm not sure why pointing out that *I* have this view would "offend people" MORE than pointing out that *some people* have this view, as, regardless of my affiliation, I have never claimed to be taking an "official fraternity perspective" on this issue...at all.
I am posting the opinion of one who happens to be an Alpha Phi. Not posting Alpha Phi's opinion. So why this should "offend"....I don't know.
Whether she's actually shared these things with her husband or not is not the point.
I think it is the point only inasmuchas some people went on the personal attack regarding something I have not done.
I also think it is unlikely to reach a consensus about this issue....
To me, it is a matter of the baseline argument. Because of my spiritual beliefs with regard to marriage, you are not likely to convince me to become angry or hostile toward a sister who discloses information to her husband.....
But, even when I don't agree, I find it helpful when others explain the place from which they are coming in order to gain an understanding of their thinking on any given issue.
I am fine to agree to disagree....and don't feel the need to attack anyone's personal views in order to do that.