I am the VPM for next year. Since we havent had a full officer training, have had 2 VPMs within the past year because of graduation, and havent had very successful recruitment weeks I thought it was crucial for me to go. Officer position or not I wanted to attend because this will be the only one while I am a collegiate member.
We have a Finanical Aid Scholarship in my chapter that we give out at the end of the year, and they were able to pay $400 of my convention costs from that. I am really thankful and was shocked to learn I had received it!! It covered my registration and my portion of the room for the convention. The President is being fully paid for by the chapter. I am flying from Chattanooga and found a great deal at
http://saitravel.org *Plus some of the money goes to SAI* for under $100 flying in and out the day before from O'Hare. 4 hours flying vs. 10-12 hours driving was also an incentive. lol