Originally Posted by AnchorAlumna
To me, it's a red flag when someone from a city with an alum group reaches out that far. But most kids have no idea there's an alum group of anything in there town. I'd send her back to her hometown alum group.
Now, that group that won't write one without knowing here....I understand, but it wouldn't take much effort to inquire among one's friends and find someone who does know her. If I can find someone who knows the candidate and will be candid about their opinion, and I trust them, that's good enough for me.
That's how I write my recs because, at my age, I RARELY know any of the PNMs from my town.
I can see how one might think something is up if a girl asks for a rec from out of town. I can tell you here in Naples, the Alumnae Panhellenic is not at all supportive of recs. They remain in their little "ladies lunch" bubble and do nothing with the community. They do offer some small scholarships for girls who will
be rushing, which always blew my mind. It seemed to me it would make more sense to support girls who
are members of sororities, rather than girls who might or might not pledge. A sorority sister and I offered to start a recruitment workshop outreach program for the AP and were shot down.
So maybe the 3 hours away PNM encountered a local Alumnae Panhellenic similar to the one here in Naples. In that instance, I might share the name of a sorority sister in her city that she could reach out to.