Ok, I have nothing better to do. Let's see here.....
As far as I can tell, these are the "Southern" fraternities (I could be missing a couple):
Alpha Tau Omega *
Delta Tau Delta
Kappa Alpha Order *
Kappa Sigma
Phi Lambda Chi
Pi Kappa Alpha
Pi Kappa Phi *
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Nu *
Sigma Phi Epsilon
The ones with an asterik I know have AI.
Carolina Panthers:
- Located at Mike's college
- Was on campus with Pi Kappa Alpha
- Has a colony in the area
- Was not at Mike's campus
Tampa Bay Buccaneers:
- Was on Joe's campus as an undergrad, but they left
- This group is special to AXiD670
- The history and ideals of this group remind Mike of a major part of his life.
Mike's Clues:
- Some number and letter gibberish for the "technically minded".
- Some more number stuff.
Right, now to crunch clues:
- I can elimate Phi Lambda Chi because it's such a small fraternity that the chances are lower this would be the one. I can eliminate Pi Kappa Alpha because Mike indicated that this was not it.
- Though, when he said "not quite" in reponse to a guess for Pi Kappa Alpha, I could take it to mean that the group is Pi Kappa Phi. After all, they are only one letter off and "not quite" the same.
- Hrm...I was just thinking that December 9th seemed kind of late in the year to be holding initiation. Unless of course the ceremony was in conjunction with say, a Founder's Day event. Funny that, Pi Kappa Phi's founding date is December 10, 1904.... of course, Kappa Sigma's founding date is December 10th as well... but why wouldn't they just have an event *on* the 10th?
- I think I can eliminate Sigma Nu. I think Sigma Nu is possibly the Buccaneers. AxiD670 said that this group held special meaning to her but wouldn't tell us why. As I understand it, Sigma Nu is Alpha Xi Delta's "brother fraternity". Also, she commented that Mike liked this group because it reminded him of a special part of his life. I notice that Mike has a quote from a Marine in his signature line. Perhaps he's in the military? Sigma Nu was founded at Virginia Military Institute.
- The Colts have a colony in the area? What area? I could assume that Mike lives near AXiD670, who I think is in North Carolina. The fraternities with colonies in that area are Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Alpha Order,
- I can't figure out Mike's first clue. The first pile of numbers and such don't make sense to me. KLPDaisy, that isn't leet speak! LOL
The numbers could be a distraction and his comment "for the technically minded" the real clue? As in, founded at a tech school or chapter located at a tech school. My dad was in the US Army Signal Corps as a decoder with Top Secret clearance - perhaps he'd understand better than me....
- The second one was more numbers. Hmph...typical of a man to give crazy clues.
32.78 - 79.94 = -47.16. For some reason, October 16th comes to mind via yahoo; though, I can't make that date work into anything.
Pah! Methinks I think too much!
Hrm......ok, well, I guess I'll just go with Kappa Alpha Order, Pi Kappa Phi, and Sigma Phi Epsilon as my guesses. Maybe someone else will be inspired by my ramblings and figure something out? Or maybe I can just wait a few more hours and see what Mike has to say. LOL!
Congrats Mike!!!!!!