At another house my hostess was a very sporty girl whose name was Billie Jean, so I made a bad joke that she must enjoy tennis (Billie Jean King had defeated Bobby Riggs a few years before). I look back now and shudder at my opening statement, but it actually was the right thing to say to her. She was majoring in PE, had played on several sports teams in HS, and played on all her sorority's intramural teams. Now I love sports, but am not a fanatic and this girl was. She already had me on the flag football team and it was the ice water round! I realize now that she was just trying to make me feel at home and was trying to show me how I might fit in there, but she took it a little far, so I did not accept the invitation to the next round.
I live in Fantasyland and I have waterfront property.
Last edited by FSUZeta; 07-26-2015 at 11:09 AM.