Originally Posted by Ideal08
WIIT some folks are sooooo concerned with Alpha Kappa Alpha?
WIIT I'm soooo flattered?
WIIT folks have nothing more to do with their time but show concern about all things AKA?
WIIT I think they want us to respond negatively?
WIIT it won't happen?
WIIT I hope they keep trying?
WIIT it only makes Alpha Kappa Alpha look that much better?
WIIT they THINK they know?
WIIT they have no idea?
WIIT I LOVE that they think they know?
WIIT I love that? I love it! I love it!! I love it!!!
Why is it that I have had more than a few experiences over the last month that make me think of this post?
Why is it that I just let them keep on talking about what they
think they know?
Why is it I wonder if they ever stop to notice that I do not reciprocate?
Why is it there's a reason for that?
Why is it the only sorority that is on my mind is
Allllpha Kappa Allllpha?
Why is AKA, in my heart, on my mind, all the time?