This seems to be the typical thing when it comes to tax laws I guess.It was my understanding that our house at the University of Kansas was the last one built with donated tax deductable dollars back when.
That is why this follow up with your legislatures is so important.
Even though it is in committee it still needs shoves to get it out and voted on in a positive manner.
I have finally gotten letters from each of my duly elected members who al say they are for the Bills. One even sponsored it in the Senate.
With the rising costs and the lack of money coming from the States for Colleges it makes sense that the little money that it would cost the Federal Government it would be a huge benefit to the Colleges and Greeks as well.
Kansas Universitys need @ $635 mil. and the Kansas Legislature is allowing $190 Mi.
This is just one State out of 50 so it does give all an idea.
L X Z just built a new house for @ $750 thousand with out fire sprinkler systems which was against what I wished. But with the advent of so many citys and towns starting to pass ordinances to retro fit with in older homes, it could very well be cost prohibitive and they lose their houses and Charters.
Then, Greek life falls.
Please remind all Brothers to put pressure on as it can do nothing but help!
LX Z # 1
Last edited by Tom Earp; 05-15-2007 at 02:27 PM.