I don't know if this will make you feel any better, but here's a story of mine:
I've always wanted to be social chair and I know I'd do a good job at it. I know at least 5 people in every house on and off campus.
Anyway, Last fall I ran for assistant, as usually you are assistant for one semester and then move up to social chair, but I didn't get it.
So I ran in the spring against the girl who won assistant in the fall. I knew I wasnt going to win, but I figured if I ran I'd at least get assistant. And I did! So I though things were going my way. I helped her out on everything and even did a lot of planning myself. She listened to my ideas and we worked together. In fact, not only did I get to plan and run 2 socials all by myself when she was going away for those weekends, but we had our first ever moonlight cruise thanks to me. I wanted to do it so she made sure that we did.
At the end of the spring semester when it was time for elections she nominated me. Then our President (who happens to be my pledge sister) told me I couldn't run because of grades. I had gotten an incomplete in a class during the fall and made it up already but, 3 months later, my grade still hadn't been turned in. The thing that makes me angry is that it was numerically IMPOSSIBLE for my semester and cumulative grades to fall below the required GPA to hold the position, even if I had failed the class. I ended up not being able to run.
Well, the two girls who ran were roommates and when one of them won, the other one stormed out of meeting because she was so angry that her roommate had run against her and won. Then her roommate ran out because she was upset that she had upset her roommate, and the position was left vacant until the start of the fall semester. (Funny note: when the girl who won got nominated she accepted but then asked if she could nominate someone else: her roommate...strange...)
So I ran again for it this fall. The problem is that I am not living in the house anymore and apparently that makes a difference. (The only thing I can't do is collect the money for events and why can't I have my assistant do it?!) The only other girl running against me was a girl who ran last semester but didn't have the grades (she was really far off). Well she ended up winning! (Luckily I got to keep my position as assistant, but only because I already had it. A lot of people thought we were going to vote for a new assistan too.)
I don't think it's fair since I have the backround for the job and she doesn't. She has no idea the amount of paperwork we had to fill out last year and she's in for a big surprise. (I have the feeling I'm gonna end up doing a lot of the work for her and still won't get credit.) I don't even know if I should bother running for it in the spring. I am the ONLY person who has ever been assistant for 2 semesters in a row. Whoever is assistant always moves up the next semester and I'm the only one who didn't.
I'm not sure if that helps, but be thankful you got to be on Exec, even if you wanted a different position. I would never even be assistant if the girls in my house didn't feel sorry for me.
~♥~ Sigma Kappa ~♥~
Live With Heart