Originally posted by SilverTurtle
<begin rant>
I was a hyperactive kid. If I were diagnosed today it would be ADD or ADHD or whatever. Except that I just learned to control it myself because there's no place in the classroom for that. And even at 5 years old I didn't want to act like that. Much less have my parents & teachers mad at me over it. Even at 26 years old, I have trouble sitting still and concentrating on one thing. But I always internalize it- I don't act like a monkey or anything. Sure, my leg might be bouncing up & down a mile a minute, or I might be doodling all over my meeting agenda. But I'm not distracting other people. And I figured this out at like age 4 all by myself. If parents would discipline their children, it might improve their behavior.
Just to echo what SilverTurtle said, my brother was also diagnosed with ADD, but it wasn't until high school. Unfortunately, his hyperactivity was perceived as bad behavior and a learning disablility by his teachers. Unfortunately, some children are placed in "slow" classes when they are really ADD and could actually be brilliant. There is not enough time or resources to figure out what is wrong with every student so some students are misplaced. Fortunately in my brother's case, he was later diagnosed with ADD and taken out of the "slow" classes.