I think the much bigger issue is that people are much less accepting of other opinions, much less willing to listen, learn, grow and accept. I work at a very liberal urban institution of higher education. I won't lie, the faculty isn't as tolerant as they like to think - and that stems beyond our local and national politics, it's become an issue with our international students as well.
IMO, people create echo chambers for themselves. Then when they encounter differing opinions it's a shock to the system and must be "wrong."
But this idea of "surveying" is horseshit. So many issues with it. And I don't like that we're becoming this "monitor and tell on!" society at the expense of privacy, intellectual freedom, etc. Let's call a spade a spade. Whether it's a tip website, a survey, or whatever, it's a form of social surveillance, whether we are comfortable with the idea that it exists in America or not.