Some questions......
Hello ladies. I had a few questions for you all. I've already attempted to open the Ask an AKA thread but I didn't know how. goes.
1. In retrospect, has your perception of what is expected of a person courting or pursing your organization changed since your inception? If yes, how so?
2.This is for those of you who have ever thought of joing another organization, it is not ment to offened but I know that there are some of you out there. If you do not feel comfortable posting publicly please pm me. Now that you're a member, how do you feel about people who pursue you organization that have previously expressed interest elsewhere?
3. How about those of you who always knew what organization you wanted to join, how do you feel ?
3. Do you find it hard to stay true to yourself and not slip into the mold of what people expect of you know that you are affiliated with your organization? ( especiall neos) Additionally, do you find that people expect more of you now ( friends, family, haters, etc)? How do you handle that?
4. Seeing that your organization is comprised of thousands of extraordinary women, do you find it difficult or even intimidating to seek positions within the organization (national, regional, local)?
5. I've browsed the board a few time and I've seen people mention that a person who is pursing an organization "just wants to be greek". What were your reasons for joining? Additonally, how do you personally distinguish between "just wanting to be greek" and having interest in greek organizations? I'm assuming that there is a difference.
6. What qualities ( personality, accomplishments, etc) do you look for in those who pursue your organization?
7. Did you find it hard as an interest to not come off a "phony" when attempting to get to know the ladies of your organization? How did you deal with this?
More questions to come..............