I was never a recruitment chair but I would like to offer a little advice. Make it memorable and fun, but keep it as simple as possible.
When I was a collegiate, we won awards for recruitment programs but we all suffered (health and grades). I remember beginning singing and skit practice in Feb. or March when Rush wasn't until September. During Rush week I spent many sleepless nights sewing costumes, making and setting up props, practicing lines, etc. Don't get me wrong, we had a great time and always got the greatest group of new members but we did cause ourselves a lot of undue stress.
A few years after I graduated, I went back to help with Rush and I was so happy to see the sisters put on really simple presentations and have the rushees take part in fun projects and games. It was just as effective as what we used to do with only a fraction of the setup and prep time. I was so proud of the sisters that came after me!