Originally posted by SDTSarah
Okay, so after doing some research and taking a practice LSAT online, I decided that I DEFINITELY want to take a course! (Well...I did skip about 3/4 of the questions because I got bored, but...)
I think I'm going to go with Testmasters 180. I've heard consistently great things about the Atlanta one, while Kaplan seems to be much more hit-or-miss. I'm so nervous...I have my sights set pretty high. My GPA will probably be about a 3.6, but I'm in a difficult major and I'll be graduating with some kind of honors. I think I really need about a 170-173 to put me in a good position.
ARGH! I though this agonizing stopped after high school!
I took a practice LSAT last night, and even that helped out a great deal because I now have a better idea of what the test looks like. I did ok (pretty good considering it was my first time seeing the test), so I think that studying on my own will still be the way to go.
I heard a lot of great things about Kaplan last night from people who had taken it...probably because the test itself was offered by Kaplan, but still maybe something to keep in mind.