News and Politics Guidelines
This is a branch for discussing political matters, not abusing other posters. Many of you hold strong political beliefs, feel free to use intelligent debate to try and influence others, but please do not resort to personal insults as they are against the Terms of use. Please do NOT post:
* harassing or 'stalking' any other person; * comments which contain defamatory statements or personal attacks on others; * personal details or private information about any other person (or anything contrary to our privacy policy) * excessively coarse language;
Rules that we will be enforcing:
1. There will be zero tolerance for personal attacks. If you see one or have been a victim of one, report the post.
2. No more warning. Any personal attack in any form will be close immediately.
3. There will be no appeal.
Spambot Killer
Last edited by moe.ron; 11-30-2004 at 02:04 AM.