The purposes for which this association is formed are:
To foster education, to maintain charity, to promote patriotism.
To encourage culture, to encourage high scholarship.
To assist in the building of character, to promote college loyalties,
To perpetuate friendships, to cement social ties within its membership.
And to foster the maintenance of college homes by chapters for their undergraduate members.
To Create and to Perpetuate Brotherhood
Brotherhood is the development of lifelong human relationships based on respect, mutual love and support.
Alpha Sigma Phi provides opportunities for its members to experience Brotherhood through the creation and maintenance of Chapters.
By experiencing Brotherhood, the members of Alpha Sigma Phi grow stronger intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically and spiritually, thereby becoming more empowered to enrich society and to improve the quality of life.
The chaotic state of moral and ethical values within our society has prompted many of our members to urge Alpha Sigma Phi to expand and strengthen the Brotherhood experience. In addition, increasing numbers of men desiring membership have expressed their eagerness to experience Brotherhood.
In response, Alpha Sigma Phi will actively work to create the new chapters and to create an environment of respect, mutual love and support in each chapter. Further, in support of Our Reason for Being and our motto To Better The Man, Alpha Sigma Phi will provide programs and services that assist each member to:
- Pursue high scholarship.
- Seek a deeper awarness and understanding of self and others.
- Recognize the qualities that make self and others unique and
- needed.
- Demonstrate responsible leadership.
- Grow in relationship with the Supreme Being.
- Exemplify integrity, patriotism, and self-respect for the
- opinions, beliefs, and actions, cultures and principles of others.
- Serve others.
- Invite without prejudice men for membership.
- Possess self-confidence.
- Exercise autonomy.
- Demostrate behavior which exemplifies the Fraternity's Code of Conduct.
Alpha Sigma Phi will have succeeded when its members are successful in developing lifelong, meaningful relationships that enrich society and improve the quality of life.
[list=1][*]I will respect the dignity of all persons, and therefore, I will not physically, psychologically or sexually abuse another human being.[*]I will respect the rights of property both of others and my own, and therefore, I will not abuse private or community property.[*]I will be a financially responsible individual.[*]I will not use nor support the use of illegal drugs.[*]I will not abuse nor support the abuse of alcohol.[*]I acknowledge that a clean, safe and attractive environment is essential to both physical and mental health -- therefore I will do all in my power to see that the chapter is properly cleaned and maintained.[*]I will achieve academic excellence.[*]I will encourage and support my Brothers in pursuing the ideals of this Code of Conduct.[/list=1]