Make sure you check your credit card bills people! I was going through my bill tonight and found a $433.46 charge from some Burberry store that I *DID NOT* make. Grrrr...
I would hope that had I spent $433 in a Burberry store, that I had something to show for it.
I'm glad you caught that error! I'd love to know how that happened. Did you have any trouble getting your account credited?
__________________ I ♥ Delta Zeta ~ Proud Mom of an Omega Phi Alpha and a Phi Mu
"I just don't want people to go around thinking I'm the kind of person who doesn't believe in God or voted for Kerry." - Honeychile Hail to Pitt!
My card was up for renewal in June anyway, but they have forwarded my account to the fraudulent case division (?) and are giving me a new card. I've never had a problem with this before, so I hope that they will take care of it. I'll update when I have more information.