Finding where certain Chapters are is a tough situation. is one. But it is outdated unless a Chapter e-m them.
Each Org. has a area that only members only can get into and ours is down right now!!!
It has been suggested to LXA Headquarters to set up a e-m system, but remembr folks, it cost a lot of money to do this. We are all in a time of economic striff and trying to do things that are considered frills aint in the pix!
I know when I travelled that I wish I had stopped more Houses at the time!
Even with that, I have been to houses in Mo.(4) Ks.(3) Neb.(1) Fl.(1) Tenn.(1) Ok. (1)Ark.(1)
My Bad, Missed states of Ky., SD, Ca. ,Il., Al., Ga., La.,
Wish I had the chance to go back and do it over again!
Steve, Go man!!!!!!!