First off, congratulations on Theta!
I can't believe people would go through recruitment lying in bed, or with bed-head, etc. With virtual recruitment, if I were a PNM, I would put on a nice shirt or blouse, brush my hair, and do my makeup. Some schools are doing pref in person, so I'd put on a nice dress, mask up, and use my wicked good eye makeup skillz.
I'm currently interviewing for jobs, and many of these interviews have been via Zoom or Skype. I present myself as a professional - nice blouse, lipstick, brushed hair, etc. I know I wouldn't get the job if I looked like I'd just rolled out of bed.
Recruitment should be treated the same way. Makeup, jewelry, and outfit should be as if you were there in person.
AEΦ ... Multa Corda, Una Causa ... Celebrating Over 100 Years of Sisterhood
Have no place I can be since I found Serenity, but you can't take the sky from me...
Only those who risk going too far, find out how far they can go.