Originally Posted by Kevin
I think of higher learning as any academic (non vocational) post-secondary education.
Uh...that quote was tongue-in-cheek in reference to the movie Higher Learning. This thread is about what constitutes being "grown."
"What IS grown?! What it is?! I mean, what is it?!"
I think being "grown" is contextual. There are times when people act "grown" and times when people act non-"grown" to the point where other people are like "what the hell?!" I think most people have their moments. I have dated men who were grown men with me but complete dumbasses with other women (and vice versa). Were they just good actors with me and their true selves with other women (and vice versa)? Or, is it that "grown" is subjective and people know how to behave in certain environments or do what they can get away with doing?