Developing a Chapter Connection Program?
Hey girls! I'm from GT with the Sigma chapter. My social chair and I (I'm the scholarship chair) are interested in putting together a sort of penpal setup between our chapters so we can share traditions, customs, success stories, etc. We have thought about something like an email exchange, skype conferences during chapter, or putting together semesterly or monthly letters from each of the sisters to send out to the other chapters. As a corollary, we also have thought about putting together welcome letters or something similar for our colonies to make them feel like they are supported and a part of IEB.
So before chapter on wednesday, I had a few questions.
- Would ya'll's chapters be interested in something like this?
- What kinds of things would you like to see incorporated into a program like this?
- Do you know of anyone else doing something similar?
I really hope this gets off the ground--it would be great to have more direct contact with our other chapters and see how different groups do things!