What kind of budget do you have, and will you have to haul everything in and out yourselves? Does the entire chapter attend, just the NMs and Bigs, or what?
If the Bigs attend, maybe they could pack a picnic dinner to share with their little? Could be a fun tradition to start and simplify planning on your end. There's also lasagna and salad, and you could get those frozen and bake in the oven. Baked potato bars are fun, bake up a lot of potatoes in the oven and bring in all sorts of toppings and maybe even a crock pot of chili as either a topping or another entree option.
Keep breakfast simple, think continental breakfast with fruits, cheeses, yogurt cups and breads maybe? Costco or Sams Club could be your friend there. There are some great breakfast casserole type dishes that can be prepped in advance and refrigerated overnight to bake in the am too.
"If you want to criticize my methods, fine. But you can keep your snide remarks to yourself. And while you're at it, don't criticize my methods." Rupert Giles, BtVS