Originally Posted by honeychile
The first video has people wearing ZETAUS t-shirts on - could that be ZTA & a fraternity? PSU people, can you shed some light on this?
Yep, it's the nickname for the pairing of Zeta Tau Alpha and Alpha Tau Omega. I guess because ZTA's nickname is Zeta and one of ATO's nicknames is the Tau's? I've never heard it personally, but that could be why. Anyway it's pretty popular to combine your Greek letters/names for fraternities/sororities that have the same letters. For example ATO's and ZTA's shirts for THON usually look like this:
Here's a picture, sorry for the tea roses and the crown, they were from facebook so I wanted to conceal identities.
Sorry that wasn't a perfect representation, but you get the idea. Also DTD and DZ have a sign that they hold up that says "DTDZ", where D, T, and half of the D were in purple and gold and the other half of the D and the Z were in green and pink. At least that's what I recall. It looked really cute, here's a picture I found, again, keeping the people out of it.
Anyway, because you want to support your dancers on the floor you make signs with your letters (or name if you're an independent organization) so that they can see that you're there with them the whole time they are dancing. From what I've heard from former dancers, they've all said that it was really encouraging to see their friends in the stands when they were tired and in pain.