Yes, you are correct. To reiterate what I had posted in the Convention '08 thread...
According to
Beta Theta Pi maintains a minimum standard of 2.7 for a chapter GPA and a 2.5 for each member.
According to The Son of Stars, and our Code, Chapter XIII Scholarship, Section 2:
SECTION 2. Minimum Chapter Academic Standards and Assisting Procedures: (1) Minimum Chapter Academic Standard: Each chapter shall maintain an academic average for the chapter, consisting of all the grade point averages of all the pledges and all the collegiate members, of no less than 2.5 on a four-point grading scale or its equivalent for each calendar year.
Chapter XIII, Section 3:
SECTION 3. Minimum Member Scholastic Requirement: In addition to requirements set forth in Section 2, each chapter should strive to maintain a chapter average equal to or exceeding the local All Men’s Average. In order to achieve that goal, each member is required to maintain a cumulative grade point average of not less than a 2.5 on a four-point grading scale or its equivalent; provided however that any member having at least a 2.5 for the most recent grading period shall be deemed to meet this requirement.
I don't think it's fair for a college/university so single out Greek students in regards to GPA requirements. Instead, they should simply ensure that all students involved on campus, through the various avenues, are academically able to handle the extracurriculars. Otherwise, they shouldn't be doing other things other than studying and making the grades.