Originally Posted by AOII Angel
"It's the best part of life."
Have you seen that tv ad "Having a baby changes everything" from Johnson & Johnson? BLEAH!!! An ad I actually hate more than the ambulance chasing attorneys or the toenail fungus!
I know that people are probably using hyperbole and going overboard, but when people act like everything that happened in their life before they had kids was just an insignificant piece of poo (including, ummm, their marriage) it makes me scared as to how bratty the kids must be, and worried that they're going to fall apart when the kids grow up and get lives of their own.
Yes my mom quit work when she had me (very late in life for the times) to be a stay at home mom - yes I was an only child - and I'm sure there were people who thought she was overly invested in me, but it's NOTHING like some of these parents I see today.