All non-profit organizations have to have a tax ID number, even if you pay absolutely no taxes at all. Our chapter (unhoused and with pretty much no other assets) even has one, but we also have a group ID number that our fraternity files our tax forms for. We don't pay taxes, but you still have to make a filing.
Earlier this year our chapter got a letter from the IRS notifying us that we hadn't filed anything in the past and that we may have to under recent legislative changes. Long story short, HQ files for us under the group ID number and the IRS refuses to cross reference the group ID numbers with the individual chapters' numbers and so we were erroneously sent the letter. I'm just putting it out there in case the IRS sends letter out to other chapters with people on GC. Just contact your HQ and most likely they have a form letter regarding the individual/group ID letter crap that they will send to the IRS.