Today we celebrate 5 years of Sisterhood and Friendship bonds that have been made within the Pyramid of Phi Sigma Sigma.
Being a Phi Sig
It has something to do with a bond.
A strong bond of honesty:
Being honest with yourself as well as your sisters.
A strong bond of trust:
The ability to let something very important to you rest with another sister.
A strong bond of devotion:
All for one, and one for all.
Being a Phi Sig
It has something to do with confidence.
Confidence in your own individual worth and unique abilities.
Confidence in your sisters, that someone is always there to share the good
times and bad times.
Being a Phi Sig
It has something to do with respect.
Respecting yourself for all the things you are--just as you are.
Giving respect to sisters comes before being respected by sisters.
Each of us giving and taking; working together instead of against or apart.
Respecting what Phi Sig stands for...
And those across the nation, collegian or alumna, who stand for Phi Sigma
Being a Phi Sig
It has something to do with love.
The ability to love in many ways, many people, is developed rather than given.
It is something you work for. The more you put into it, the more you get out
of it.
As a new member of Phi Sigma Sigma, this potential is tapped.
We grow together, rich in the common bond of honesty, trust, and devotion;
full of comfidence and respect.
For a special love to cherish and treasure,
~Diane Tinney Keene, Beta Rho Chapter, '83
Happy 5 Year Anniversary Iota Gamma!!!
diokete hupsala!
Phi Sigma Sigma
Iota Gamma Founder
March 24, 2001
diokete hupsala