Originally posted by AOIIBrandi
I am still confused why they have to DA to become a member of the local. They can be Alums of the NPC and pledge your local, unless your bylaws state differently. It makes me sad that they may believe that they have to DA when they really don't. I wouldn't want to give something up completely that was once such a large part of my life.
I don't think that they
have to, I was just under the impression that the ones that did DA wanted to join our local. I haven't heard anything about the ones that went alumnae by choice.
There aren't any bylaws regarding members being alumnae in another sorority and then joining ours sorority in our constitution, HOWEVER we are Associates of Panhellenic so we aren't just another student organization. It's just not something that really happens on our campus. Partly because when members go alumnae, they have graduated.