I have often wondered that myself. My boyfriend is from Wisconsin, and I wanted to visit a gamma phi chapter at a school close to him, but he said that it wasn't a good idea because I probably wouldn't like them. At first I took offence, but think about it...we are all different people. We grow up in different families, towns, and situations. Even though we are all sisters, who share the same ideals, not everyone adheres the the ideals. and not every one takes them as seriously as others. I think the basic reason the chapters are so different is because when we go through rush we are attracted to people we relate to.
Our chapter is very diverse. None of us look like we are "cookie cutter girls". But looking the same may be the norm at a differnt chapter. It really just depends on your personality. But rememeber, that no matter how different we all are, we are all sisters, brought together for reason.