Apple Exchange Policy?
I bought the huzbin an iPod Shuffle from the Apple store when I was in DM at the end of May. Unfortunately, I grabbed the 512 instead of the 1G, and he needs the larger one. I know the Apple policy states no returns after 14 days, but it doesn't say anything about exchanges. Is that considered the same as a return? We're going back to DM next weekend for a wedding, so I was planning on doing it then. If they won't exchange it, I'll just sell the 512 on eBay (he never opened it) and get the 1G one anyway.
Has anyone dealt with Apple?
I suppose the easy thing would be to call the Apple store and ask, but that requires work and talking to real people. Why do that when I can ask complete strangers on an interweb message board?
It's gonna be a hootenanny.
Or maybe a jamboree.
Or possibly even a shindig or lollapalooza.
Perhaps it'll be a hootshinpaloozaree. I don't know.