Hi Rhonda,
The Nu chapter has a fines committee/policy that deals with absenses. If you are going to miss a meeting/activity you must submit a written excuse with explanation to the president before the absence. Excuses must be school related, or absolutely impossible to avoid, family issue, crisis at work, etc. Each member is allowed 3 excused absence each semester with no penalty. After 3 there is a $2 fine for excused absences. Unexcused absenses are $5. If you implement a policy like this make sure you define everything, like what constitutes an absence (if a member is 15 min. late is she absent??) because people will test it out. This has really helped our chapter as we have not had to issue a fine in a semester and a half.
We also have a point system, although not as effective at stopping absenses, that gives recognition to those members who go out of their way to attend everything. At the end of the semester we have been giving them engraved picture frames which are really nice.
If you have any questions let me know!
Good Luck