the website is some guys blog, who ran across the picutre as well--- i am not linking you to a porn site --- but please use caution when opening the pic as it is a full frontal pic.
-ohhh must add--- who would do this to themselves?????
Imagine that . . . you are with some guy in the dark and suddenly the lights go on, and you see that moving in and out . . . What a visceral reaction that would conjure!
It's gonna be a hootenanny.
Or maybe a jamboree.
Or possibly even a shindig or lollapalooza.
Perhaps it'll be a hootshinpaloozaree. I don't know.
A few years ago when I was getting a tattoo in Spain I was at an angle where I could look at all these pics behind the chair of tattoos the tattooador had done- at first I thought there was one of a guy wearing a pair of shorts... nope... they were tattooed on.
ETA: If you google for "Murcia Spain tattoo" my "oh wow- my tattoo is 4 years old" post on my online journal comes up