Does any other university use the +/- scale of grades? Here the values of the points you earn are dependendt on the plus of minus you get:
A+ = 4.33
A = 4.0
A- = 3.67
and so on...
This is great when you get an A+ or B+ or somehthing but getting an A- sucks because I earned an A damnit! Iant the 4.0 points! :-D
We have a modified +/- system, we do C+ and B+ but no A plus, and then we have minues down from A- to C-. D's are D's.
It kinda sucks because there is no A plus to really recognize those that truly achieve and eccel, but there's a n A- that shows those that scraped by and just got the A. There's a periodic wave of faculty/student petitions that try to get the A+ on the books, but it never truly goes anywhere.