Hey Guys,
This is Mumbles from Epsilon Nu Chapter. I had a question regarding lavaliering my girlfriend. I have been with her for a year now and we've been best friends for close to 6 years now. I really want to lavalier her but since we are a new chapter at Binghamton, we have never done this. I am looking to set up a ceremony to be performed over valentines day weekend 2005 in order for brothers in our chapter to lavalier their girlfriends. There are a few guys who are in serious relationships and have expressed interest in doing so. Please email me if you have any ideas or traditions in your chapter about the lavaliering process. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
I have contacted nationals and they said this would be up to the individual chapter, and there is no national ceremony for lavaliering.
In phi,
PS...if anyone will be at the Ralph Burns institute in NJ, I will be one of the facilitators. Look for me - Jay (EN Chapter)