I just saw the movie and for someone who has never read a x-man comic ever, I really enjoyed the movie. I usually brush off action and adventure movies (I guess I'm a typical girly movie kinda girl), but I saw a review for the movie on tv and in the show's history, never had all 5 critics agreed until they watched this movie. I also saw a brief 'making of the movie' clip. It was really interesting. Mistic--it took them about 5-8 hrs. a day to put all that stuff on Rebecca Romane(I think that's her name). They said at the movie progressed they got to the point they were able to work faster on her, although, I give kudos to her for sitting there that long nekkid while people painted her and put on the plastic stuff. They also said that one of the original artists(? I think it was one of the artists but it was one of the original something or rather) helped work on the characters and how they looked. So needless to say, I was the one who wanted to see it. My b/f was more than willing to accomodate me. But anyway, I was really impressed, and I hope that the sequile (which I'm assuming there will be one considering how they left the movie)is just as good. Also, about wolverine. . .omg. . .he was totally sexy!
[This message has been edited by mgdzkm433 (edited July 30, 2000).]