Welcome to the real world of high Gas!
Kerry Suggests strongly that Bush should release Naval Oil Reserve!
He also says that Busch is in Cahoots with the Saudie Family.
I suggest, that Riding Transit systems will help curtail gas consumption along with buying more efficient vehicles.
How many have ridden Transit systems? I have only been on those of NY, Chicago, Wash. DC, San Francisco, London, Budephest, and Austria. Met some great people there.
What kind of Vehicle do you drive? A gas Hog?
I cannot ride any transit vehicles as owning a small business. I do not fill up everytime I go to the pump. I drive a 4 cylinder vehicle, not a SUV.
I try very hard to make as many trips as possible and do what I have to do in a correct, planned route.
Do You.?
The American love for a Car is killing us.
Dont buy gas on May 19 th, buy it on May 20 th! WOW, that really helps!
Oh My God, Fossile fuel does run out!