Well, due to computer problems I wasn't able to get on here and post this, but on Sunday my chapter had the pleasure of meeting with Jill Elermyer (sp?) and anthor lower level sister from national.
The meeting was to address some concerns and problems that have been going on, and I have to admit, the meeting did go very well, but at the same time it left a bad feeling about SDT Nationals for some of us.
We are a small chapter, currently at 12 active sisters. The other 2 NPC's on campus have 14 and 13, not inculding NM's. We kept on hearing how we barely send enough money to national to cover cost, forget about ahving reps. come down when we need help...esp through formal rush, when we need help and have asked for it with no help being sent.
Also, they were the ones to use terms such as rush, pledge etc. We were correcting them. Anyone else see a problem with that?
They don't understand what it is like on a commuter campus. Jill went to Rutgers (the main campus) while Melissa (the other sister) went to Rhode Island. We tried explaining it to them, and I hope they are able to understsand a little better where we are coming from after Sunday. As a commuter school, we do things diffrently that they can't imagine having to do, cus they never had to.
I do hope that our problems will soon be over, and I think that everything will be fine. I am just annoyed about the stuff that I mentioned above, anyone else seem to have this problem?
Sigma Delta Tau
Patriae Multae Spes Una