i just had my wisdom teeth out on tuesday the 30th and i am hating this. i think i would have been wiser to keep them in. it hurts like hell!! i just need to complain for a couple minutes because i am trying to act like a big tough girl and not complain to my roommate or parents or his parents for that matter!!
they gave me 4 rxes...vicodin, a mouthwash, med dose steriod pack for swelling and penicillion....i have never taken vicodin before tuesday and it isnt even working. i am better off to not take it and just pop some advil!! the med dose pack made me sick i think! i threw up 3 times yesterday and had an upset tummy ALL day yesterday...so now i am just using the antibiotic cause i do NOT want an infection and just using the mouthwash cause my mouth is gross....
i am all brusied up and still can barely eat. i was eating applesauce and jello but after throwing that all up it is not so appitizing any more.
any other suggestions of good soft food to eat?!? i am starving!!
and i spent my new year's eve at home and was in bed by 12:30 and around 1:00 was on my way to pick up my drunk friend...go figure!!
so yeah..i am done complaining! thanks for listening to me....
***dances a teeth dance***