Originally Posted by AGDee
We can't do that with over the counter meds because the child's name is not on the bottle. We can only do that with prescriptions and, quite honestly, she doesn't need prescription strength ibuprofen, only over the counter.
Extended release ibuprofen before school?
I see your problem. But I see the school's problem too.
Originally Posted by AGDee
ETA: You also have to drop off the medication daily and pick it up at the end of the day (the parent does) because they do not want to be responsible for storing meds in the school. It's kind of messed up. My daughter IS allowed to carry her Epi-Pen and her asthma inhaler on her person at all times though.
Interesting. Our son takes presecription medicine every day after lunch. The school keeps it in the office (in a seperate bag, under lock and key). They call us when he is about to run out and we take another month-or-so supply. They carefully count it and sign it in when we take it. He's one of many they do this for.