A Toast to the GreekChatters
Ok, I hope this post isn't too mushy!
I just wanted to give a big pat on the back to my GreekChat brothers and sisters as well as to our non-greek friends who post. It seems that the number of wackos who post on these boards has proliferated recently yet everyone's responses to said wackos have been well thought-out, well-written and articulate (with just the right amount of sarcasm!). Everyone has been a credit to his/her organization!
It's great to see that we can disagree among ourselves, yet come together whenever rude outsiders try to invade our boards with their general weirdness.
So, I would like to say to everyone.... YOU ROCK, GUYS!!!!!
Proud to be Delta-Z
By the light of the lamp, by the light of the lamp, by the bright shiny light, by the light of the lamp...if you are a DeeZee, you're the best that you can be, by the bright shiny light of the lamp!