Beds for Sale
Hey Ladies,
I am the HA-P for E and we ordered 16 beds for our remodel... well they came in and are beautiful. They are solid wood, mission style beds with a dark stain. The only problem is that they are 12 inches shorter then we ordered (we were going for the chaptain style bed with 24 inches of space). So the factory is going to replace the beds but I told the owner that I would try to help him out by letting other houses know about these 16. They can be made into bunkbeds, if needed.
PM me if you are interested or if you know of another house that would be interested in them. I can get you pictures of them.
I'm going to post this on the chapter forum board, but thought to start here first!
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own!" ~Matthew 6:34