prayers, good thoughts, good vibes, whatever...
Normally, I'm not the type of person to solicit things from strangers on an intarweb message board, but my family has been hit with some pretty difficult things this week and I'll take all I can get.
First, on Sunday my dad informed us that he's been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Fortunately, it's still in the early stages and it's a moderately slow-growing cancer, so he's got a good prognosis. Of course, we won't know anything for sure until he gets the results from his bone scan, but we have good hope for him. Still, it's always scary when the C-word is involved.
Now, my sister had a little baby girl this morning. The baby was having difficulty breathing and was diagnosed with a diaphragmatic hernia on her right side. I've been doing some research today and this is some scary isht. She's been taken to a children's hospital and will have surgery sometime in the next 48-72 hours, after she's stabilized a bit. There's only a 63% chance of survival and that's not including other congenital defects that may have occured due to her situation.
So I don't care if you're religious or not or if you even know me or not, I would appreciate anything -- prayers, good thoughts, well-wishes, good karma, whatever -- for my family.
It's gonna be a hootenanny.
Or maybe a jamboree.
Or possibly even a shindig or lollapalooza.
Perhaps it'll be a hootshinpaloozaree. I don't know.