After our LOOOOOOONG rush of 7 weeks, comes a day many freshmen dread, bid tuesday. All freshmen who are hoping to get a bid have to be at the union by 8am. They then stand in line for a while, get a little white envelope with their name on it, go in a booth, and open the envelope up. there will be at least one card in there, a no pref card. There could be as many as 8 other cards, one from each fraternity. you can sign a bid then, and at 5pm join your fraternity for whatever it is that house does to celebrate. Or, you can sign the no pref card, in which you can't have any contact with the fraternity members besides the freshmen for 2 weeks, after which you can go back and sign a bid if you got one to begin with. that's about as formal as it gets at Rose. Hope this helps.
Steve Corbin
Lambda Chi Alpha
Theta Kappa Zeta Chapter
Ros-Hulman Inst. of Tech.