Special trains to convention
This is from a post I just wrote. I've included the first two paragraphs here. If you'd like to read more visit the post. There is even a link to some Kappa Alpha Theta video footage taken on the last special train Theta sponsored.
The collegians and alumni/ae who are headed to conventions this summer will likely drive or fly to their destinations. Imagine what it must have been like when rail travel was the way people got to where they were going! “Specials,” those trains reserved solely for one group of travelers, added days onto the fun of being among members of one’s own organization. On these special trains filled with fraternity and sorority members traveling to a far off locale for a meeting, the fun began days before the meeting started.
On June 30, 1915, a group of Massachusetts Pi Beta Phis, including the delegate from the Western Massachusetts Alumnae Club, Grace Goodhue Coolidge, left Boston headed for Berkeley, California. Louise Richardson wrote a first-hand account of the train ride that appeared in the December 1915 Arrow of Pi Beta Phi. The group traveled to Chicago where the Convention attendees boarded the “Pi Phi Special”, ten cars filled with Pi Phis traveling to Berkeley.
The rest of the post is at: wp.me/p20I1i-T6
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