Sarah and 33, thanks for all your advice!
33-girl, don't even apologize for "invading" this board!! LOL, anyone and everyone (well, except for 2 individuals and their reincarnates) are welcome!
Thankfully, I haven't invested in a dress yet and I don't think any of my sisters did. I'm totally into the recycling other people's dresses system to avoid paying mucho $$$ on a dress that I'll probably only wear once.
We were supposed to do a joint formal with the TKEs but even though we bailed on them they still want to have one and we're all invited, including our dates who are non-TKEs. Generally all our BFs and significant others get along with our brothers, so that's awesome. We won't be able to stamp our letters on anything (since our attendance is unofficial), but just the fact that we still have an opportunity to dress up and look nice is a real picker upper, and I'm thankful that the brothers were kind enough to do something like this.
I think it was a big miscommunication between our social chair and theirs. Ours wanted a real extravagant one that my sisters were uncomfortable with and she didn't really put his input and concerns to good use. I would've paid the $35/person to go just to go to a formal, but now I can see why my sisters didn't want to fork over that much when something cheaper could've been done. The price has gone down significantly, and I can't wait to go. The logistics haven't really been worked out yet, but they're in the process of being taken care of, and I hope that we can end the school year in a fun and safe way!
"Talk doesn't cook rice."--Someone smart
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