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01-29-2002, 07:42 PM
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Coolest badges and Greek Thursdays
To be fair I think mens badges should be included in the prettiest badges. I like ours, but as you said we can't vote for ourselves. A theta with pearls surrounding it and a ruby in the center of the Xi. Here's a picture:
Also, on our campus... University of Washington, we are going to go to Greek Thursdays which means that on the first Thursdays of every month, every greek is suppose to wear their letters. This is either on a shirt or whatever. Do other campus' around the nation do the same thing? Just thought I'de pose the question.
Jay Yedinak
House Manager
Theta Xi
Upsilon Chapter

01-29-2002, 08:08 PM
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We used to do an all-Panhel badge day - on the first Monday of every month, all sorority women were supposed to dress up and wear our badges with a Panhel ribbon. The ribbon was just a piece of blue ribbon (we picked blue because it's a color that none of the sororities on campus use as their own) to show our unity in Panhel. It was kind of impressive - everywhere you went on campus, there were women in badge attire
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01-29-2002, 08:36 PM
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We had letter sweatshirt day every Friday, and a lot of people wore their jackets every day.
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01-29-2002, 09:00 PM
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We dressed up in Pin Attire (an outfit that is suitable to wear with your badge/pin) every other Monday, and wore letteres every Wed.

01-29-2002, 10:15 PM
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Beta Badge
Last edited by ZZ-kai-; 01-30-2002 at 12:10 AM.

01-29-2002, 11:17 PM
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uhhh i don't know how to vote w/out having seen more badges than I have . . . but here's ours: the Star and Crescent, this is a bad photo but generally it's made with pearls around the top, and emeralds/rubies on the inner circle(s). anyway -
///EDIT: coding fixed . . . -RC
Last edited by KSig RC; 01-29-2002 at 11:22 PM.

01-30-2002, 03:47 AM
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On my campus its pretty much always been that letterday is wednesdays and pin attire is mondays. Way more people do the letter day than pin attire tho.

01-30-2002, 05:32 PM
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I wish I could figure out how to put my Badges on with Pix!
I have two:
white gold, 8 pearls in the cresent and saphires in the Lambda
Yellow gold, pearls in the cresent, with rubys and diamonds at each point of the lambda.
Both have matching guards of pearls in the LX desgnation for my chapter!
Other Fraternitys if full Blown with stones:
Soroitys:AXO, AEP, AGD and SSS.
LX Z # 1

05-18-2002, 06:59 PM
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What's pin attire? People at my school never wear their badges (except for maybe dress chapter, which for my house is every other week). Anyway, we know who's who b/c of the abundance of Greek shirts everyday (esp. at the gym) and Greek Day (Wednesday--bust out the jerseys, shirts, and bid day bags!) One of my non-greek friends said that she thought for a long time that this one frat guy in her class had nothing else to wear b/c he always seemed to be wearing his jersey. Turns out they only had class together on Mondays and Wednesdays!

05-19-2002, 12:38 AM
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Pin Attire
Pin attire just means the dress you are wearing when you wear your badge. To us it means wearing something nicer than khakis. We have set days during the week where we wear our badge and our letters.

05-19-2002, 12:41 AM
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Pin Attire is when you are dressed in clothes like you would if you were going to dress chapter. I can't believe your chapter dresses every other week. We have to "dress to the pin" every Sunday!

05-19-2002, 02:14 AM
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all the sororities on our campus have chapter at six on monday... we have suites on the top floor of a building that has a cafeteria downstairs... my freshman year there was an article talking about the things going on regularly on campus and the writer called mondays "sorority dress up day" ... it seems though that lately our chapter is the only one that has formal chapter regularly... whereas alot of the fraternities/sororities only have formal the first chapter of every month, that's usually the only time we have informal! some girls don't like it, but i enjoy it - i love wearing my beautiful badge!
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05-19-2002, 04:12 PM
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Greek Thursdays
Here at my school everyone has meetings on Thursday nights and everyone usually has thier meetings in the student union in different classrooms upstairs (we are a commuter school..no houses or suites)
sooo most everyone wears letters on thursdays..it wasnt a greek council descision,...it just happens..
my org. has formal buisness the first thursday of the month which is badge attire...and then the second thursday is jersey day..where we wear our jersey or letters

05-20-2002, 01:47 AM
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I think the Lambda Chi Alpha badge is very pretty. As far as greek letter days in school. Thurs everyone was supposed to wear letter jersey's and we were stressed to wear badge wear on Mondays.

05-20-2002, 02:06 AM
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On my campus we are supposed to wear our letters the first wednesday of every month. And just recently we (all the chapters, both fraternitys and sororities) all got these Greek shirts. They say GREEK on them in big block letters then in smaller letters underneath it has your GLO's letters. And on the back near the neck it has the Arizona A. The boys all got either navy blue ones or red ones. The girls got either teal or white. And the the girls ones have pink writing with glitter outline. They are some of the cutest shirts ever!
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