Another trip I've taken was the John Wilkes Booth Escape Route Tour. If you're interested in the Lincoln Assassination, this is fascinating! It starts in the hotel/bar that Mary Surratt owned in Maryland, goes into DC to Ford's Theatre, The Peterson House (where Lincoln died), drives by the house where the plot to kill Lincoln was hatched (it's now a Chinese restaurant!), and heads back to Maryland & Virginia, following the route the JWB & David Herod took & the stops they made.
This is a bus tour and takes about 12 hours, with several stops & lunch. I was blessed to sit next to Michael W. Kauffman, who has written several books about the Assassination for much of the tour.
If you're interested, go to
John Wilkes Booth Escape Route Tour, sponsored by the Surratt Society. FWIW, Mary Surratt was the first woman executed by the Federal Government for her role in the Assassination.