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Old 01-14-2025, 06:40 PM
AGDee AGDee is offline
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Originally Posted by PrettyBoy View Post
Yeah, he and I would be talking all day. And Aston Martin is my favorite brand.

He likes two of my favorite eras. Actually, 1966 was pretty much the last year when stylists had very few to no government design regulations to follow. I’m also into the 30s, 40s, and 80s, but with the 80s, European only. The McLaren you like was probably a 570S. Cool.

If you go with our SUVs, they’ll give you great reliability.

Has TKE Guy always been a car guy when you knew him college?
He was! Since his favorite Vette was a '53, I made him a model '53 Vette for his birthday one year. Painted candy apple red. He does NOT still have that and I tease him (gently) about that because I still have a framed squirrel (Alpha Gam mascot) he drew that he gave me back then. It's been sitting on a shelf with my squirrel collection for 40 years!
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