Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek
I highly doubt aliens and Neanderthals had sex and reproduced. If there are/were aliens visiting Earth, for interbreeding to happen, the alien life forms would need to have DNA or a compatible genetic structure very similar to humans. IMHO, this is like a big “no way”, given the differences likely to exist between life forms that evolved on entirely separate planets. And there’s like no verified scientific evidence or fossil record to suggest that humans have DNA from non-Earth species.
Some ancient cultures like the ones you’ve mentioned have myths involving “gods” or aliens coming to Earth to mate with humans. I think these stories are more symbolic than anything, in order to explain natural phenomena, not actual historic events.
How do you know, CG? What makes you so sure this is impossible and never happened?
Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek
What sources were you using, Zach? I’m asking because this isn’t true.
Aww shit Lmao!